Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mixed Media to Apron Sewing

My mind keeps jumping from one idea to another.  I can't seem to settle on one thing and finsh it.  I made a trip to the local Salvation Army Thrift Store this morning and came away with 2 pieces of furniture that I can't wait to get home.  First I bout a large low dresser with 8 drawers I think.  It is for the living to be an entertainment center.  The draws will be great to store our crafty stuff that we use all the time.  Like our art journals and all the items for that.  Plus to hold my sons Wii and games.  It was a great deal and solid. Next I bought a chest of drawers for my son.  It is solid wood and I can't wait to get it home and paint it.  It is heavy and perfect for an 8 year old boys room. I also bought a skirt and thatd screamed apron.  Can't wait to get started.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble.  I could live there.  I actually didn't come away with books.  Just a really cute pack of valentine note cards.  I see them being used in mixed media.  Now I just have to sit down and get to work. 
I will post pictures in a little bit to show what I am doing.  I am very excited and need to get my act together so I can create.

Have a crafty day!

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