Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Refashion Co-op

I discovered a long while back a blog that I really love. I never go a day without checking it. You need to take a minute and head over to Refashion Co-Op. There you will find some of the most awesome  refashioned clothes that you have seen. Each lady has a different perspective of fashion. They provide me a muse that I seem to need more often than not lately.  There you will find links to each posters bogs . They are so fun to check out. Also on the first Friday of each month they host a linky party called Refashion First Friday. There even if you aren't an editor you can post a link to a refashion project you recently completed and posted on your own blog. Take a minute and head  over to Refashion Co-op.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WWE Baby Bling

Walking through the store my son spots a WWE onesy and just has to have it for his new baby cousin. Mind you she is a girl.  But arguing that with the world’s biggest WWE fan is just more energy then I wanted to put out.  So rhinestones and glitter fabric paint later.  We have ourselves a blinged out baby onesy.

Here is what it looked like before.


I colored in the W and champ with silver glitter fabric paint pen. The red is glitter paint pen and then outlined the champ and W with gold glitter paint pen.  I added crystal rhinestones all around and red on the eye of the eagle and by the champ.



I think it came out pretty cute.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mixed Media to Apron Sewing

My mind keeps jumping from one idea to another.  I can't seem to settle on one thing and finsh it.  I made a trip to the local Salvation Army Thrift Store this morning and came away with 2 pieces of furniture that I can't wait to get home.  First I bout a large low dresser with 8 drawers I think.  It is for the living to be an entertainment center.  The draws will be great to store our crafty stuff that we use all the time.  Like our art journals and all the items for that.  Plus to hold my sons Wii and games.  It was a great deal and solid. Next I bought a chest of drawers for my son.  It is solid wood and I can't wait to get it home and paint it.  It is heavy and perfect for an 8 year old boys room. I also bought a skirt and thatd screamed apron.  Can't wait to get started.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble.  I could live there.  I actually didn't come away with books.  Just a really cute pack of valentine note cards.  I see them being used in mixed media.  Now I just have to sit down and get to work. 
I will post pictures in a little bit to show what I am doing.  I am very excited and need to get my act together so I can create.

Have a crafty day!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Back Again, Again, and Again!!!!!

Third or forth time may be a charm. At least I hope it is. I have had this blog for a few years now and have wanted to make it ago. I also have a history blog that I have ignored for the same amount of time. Now I finally have time and I am determined to make ago of it. 

I have never quit crafting, sewing, knitting, ect...I finally am in a home where I have my own studio. Although my family will still tell you it spills out into the rest of the house.  I just hate to feel seperated from my only child. He is 8 years old and I think I should be right there if he needs me.  Besides if left to his own he gets into a lot of messes that he never cleans up.  So Momma has to stay on him. Hubby is a truck driver so he is gone thank goodness only about a total of 4 days a week. But still it is all left to me. 

Currently I am also working on my Ph.D. in History and teaching four online history classes.  I love it but that is a lot to try to squeeze into the 7 hours my son is at school. Plus I volunteer several hours a week at his school and am a memebr of PTA. So it takes so time.  But I am going to do this.  I have so much I want to share and so much I want to learn from you.  I can't wait to get going.

Today I spending my Saturday sitting in the livingroom with a plastic cap on my head covering the dye I am waiting to rinse out.  While watching snowboarding and looking at the mess that my sewing area in the living is.  Thinking that I have a few projects to finish for my new neice that is now 3 months old.  My brother- in-law and sister-in-law are so excited with the birth of their daughter she is there first.  So Aunt April has sewing to do that she has never finshed.  A blanket, so baby gowns and afew other things.  All the while hubby and son are at a hunting and fishing show.  

I hope you all have a blessed day. Be creative and make something, fun, beautiful, or just plain because you want to!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Craftiness over flows.

I may not have been very good at posting.  We all know that I am awful at it.  However I have been busy sewing.  I have made 2 shirts for myself.  Both bat-wing style.  I love them.  I made of pair of jammie pants for my son.  Camo print, he loved it and for some reason just had to have it.  Then I made my mother a necklace.  She had pickd out some really pretty beads and dragon fly pendent at our local bead shop, Heartstring.  They have great prices there. Then I made myself a bracelet, ring and earrings made from beads I got there.  Plus I made 3 leather bracelets.  I found a lare stash of leather scraps at the Outreach Thrift store.  I love t haunt that place.  Always come away with a good deal.  That is what I have been up to.  I will try and post pictures tomorrow. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month.  I love this becasue I find alot of history in needle crafts and well...all forms of crafts in general.  Women tend to come together in some form to craft and create.  Rather it be online or in person we seem to find comfort and muse in joining together in the followship of creativity. 

From the Quilting circle to the war time knitting women have shared the ups and downs of their lives while creating some very wonderful and most often useful and much needed items.  A perfect example is during war times.  From the Civil War to the modern day Gulf War you will find women and men and children creating items of comfort and need for our soldiers in combat. 
Go to fullsize image

Socks, Socks, Socks...seem to be the item of chioce.  Socks were the most needed during the Civil War and the World Wars.  Marchin on foot would quickly tatter a pair of socks.  So the loved ones at home would create a very utilitarian pair of socks to be sent to those in battle. Some times you would see women and children knitting from dusk to dawn for days on end. 

I have decided that we need to celebrate these women and what they accomplished.  Please share your stories and ideas.  I would love to hear them and share them with others. 

Also here is a link to a war time knitting pattern for socks.  Take it and chane it to anyway you like.  Add your own touches and share with someone you love. 


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lets Try This Once Again

How many times do you have to say I promise I will update this blog on a reular basis before you actually do it?  This is the last time and I think I will try and do what I said I would do.  Post all the wonderful things I create and find on the internet and else where.  I have no excuse other then I was without a computer for a few months which darn near killed me.  It was my fault thouh so I had to live with it.  Now I am back and ready to go. 

Currently I am working on an alteted couture apron.  It is a  donation for my sons school carnival for the silent auction.  I have to have it completed by Friday.  So I should be sewing instead of typing.  But as always I am puttin it off.  I will work on it this evening after dinner.  Wait it is Tuesday night right?  I can't think of anythin that is on TV.  But who knows.  I am sure my son or husband will find a away to distract me.  Ok so now that I have rambled on here I need to go to my other blog and post.  It is a History blog, my other passion, so if you are interested head on over and check it out.  http://crafthistory.blogspot.com/  Oh and I will be crafting history here at this blog too.  So if you have any ideas please let me know.  I would love to add what you want to read and learn about.  Plus maybe you could share your stories with me.